I've seen hundreds of of people walk through my office door with old. unsettled claims, who never even heard of Workers' Compensation settlements till a friend or family member mentioned it to them. "They paid my Temporary Total Disability, they paid my medical, but no one ever said anything about settlement." You have a right to settle your claim. The important thing to bear in mind is that you can't rely on the Workers' Compensation adjuster to protect your rights or advise you that they exist. You need to inform yourself and protect your own rights, or hire a good attorney to do so. You also need to file your claim within the statute of limitations. don't let thousands of dollars slip away. Get your claim filed and get the settlement you deserve.The above tip is taken from Horwitz Horwitz & Associates Attorney Mark Weissburg's book, How to win a Workers' Compensation Claim in Illinois. For a free copy please visit one of our locations or call toll free and ask for Jeanette if you would like to receive one in the mail.
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